
Saturday 29 December 2012

Turtle Beach - Article

Turtle Beach is one of the most known headset creaters around the world. Turtle beach company was founded in 1985 by Roy Smith and Robert Hoke.Turtle beach, do not only make headset. They are also well know for their sound cards and other products. Their first product was a graphical editing that supported the Ensoniq Mirage Sampling keyboard. Mirage keyboard was one of the first Sampling devices that made it possible for musicians to play realistic sounds.

In 1988 they started working on their first hardware product, a hard disk based audio editing system. After a few years working hard they got finished, and called the product : 56k Digital Recording System, which was realesed in 1990. 56k digital recording system was based on a chip called motorola 56000 DSP. The 56k recording system was the first product in the world who  actually played, excactly the sounds it recorded, and therefor was populare among many radio stations.

In 1990 they started creating theyr first Pc - soundcard. This product was called "Multisound".

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