
Sunday 24 March 2013

Red Driver 3 - Game Review by KriHol

RED DRIVER 3 - By Sheepwolf

Red driver 3 is a racing game where you are driving a black car through wild traffic in different game modes. The first game mode is pacdriver which is sort of a pacman stylish type of game where you need to collect 30 gold spheres, really depends on the difficulty your using though. This might be hard but I really like it, and I recommend everyone to try this game mode, because its so amazing. The next one is called Slalom, where you basically just drive slalom through the obstacles in the middle, while the cars are still driving though, so you need to beware of crashing. How many cars, depends on your difficulty. score is a game where you are going to drive dangerously and collect the blue dots on the road for bonus points. You can also earn points by using nitro. I also recommend this game mode. Just Wrong is a game mode where you are going to drive on the wrong side of the road, where cars can hit you from the front. Survive these cars and your good to go. Nitrous. Nitrous is a game mode where you are supposed to try to hold in your nitrous button for as long as you can without total wrecking your car. Surviving game. on the surviving mode you are going to survive for a certain amount of seconds, also depends on the difficulty. So yeah, that's about it for the game modes, now to the boring parts of the game.

Boring/Bad parts: I don't like that the maps are totally boring, because they're straight and only one direction.. A lot of obstacles saves it all though, but still.. One thing i also found out was that on the pacdriver mode it was lagging, a lot. Might be my PC. And then for the worst part is.. That there is no upgrades, which i hate because i love upgrades and it wouldn't be to hard to add a few anyway.
Music and sounds: The music is just incredible, and the sounds too. It sounds almost to realistic and with the animation, music and sounds together its just like IRL. When your car is crashing, getting wrecked it sounds realistic and i like it a lot, I'm a big fan of these racing games. Not to many of them thought...

Score time incoming!
Gameplay: Amazing gameplay, 5/6
Graphics: The graphics are amazing on this game, 5/6
Sounds: 6/6 Digging it..
Animations: 6/6 for sure!


Resort Empire - Game Review

Resort empire is a game about building your own created paradise for other (NPC's) to enjoy.

The gameplay of this game was such a good experience for me that I even didn't go to the toilet.. Like seriously. It was good, with a great tutorial where you actually learned something other then wasted your time. It was also easy to skip the tutorial for they who don't like to watch tutorials  The point of the game was building, a paradise. So for that you needed to basically just point out a building, by clicking on it, and then click where you want it to be created. Not to hard to understand I suppose. There are rooms, plants and other stuff that needs to be placed, this for the popularity to grow. The more popularity you have, the faster will there come people, which means more money. Money is really important in this game, because everything is bought with money. Which is understandable I guess.. What i kind of thing was ridiculous though was that you needed  grass plates for flowers, but Npc's couldn't walk on them, which doesn't make sense, at all because it feels kind of natural to could be able to walk on grass.. right?

Gameplay: 5/6 (cut of one because of stupid, non sensed stuff.)
Graphics: 4/6
Music: 3/6 (prepare your ears..)

Saturday 23 March 2013

John Lennon - Article

Lennon and Yoko in 1980.
John Lennon, what a wonderful man. He was a proud member and founder of  the music group "The Beatles". He was an English musician and a songwriter. Everybody in the whole world knew who he was. The Beatles was one of the most popular music groups at that time, not like today.. Justin Bieber... Naah, John Lennon was the best! 
Lennon as a young man.

Born as John Winston Lennon in Liverpool and raised there by his parents. In his early age he was very interested in music. When he was a teenager, he got involved in the band "The Quarrymen" which turned into The Beatles later on. After the marriage with Yoko Ono he did a name switch to John Ono Lennon. Sadly he resigned from the music career on year 1975, but in 1980 he tried again, he released the album "Double Fantasy". Great success, but only three weeks after the album release, he was murdered.

His art still lives today, and people are still big fans of his music.  

Sunday 17 March 2013

Fashion Designer New York - Game Review

Fashion Designer New York was nothing special for me, i am a boy, i am playing this game where you are supposed to dress up models to a catwalk.. I just couldn't find any fun in it, i did one round, but that was it.. but yeah, i think that is the only thing you have to do!

I'm not saying that i liked the game that much, but i need to point out that the graphics were fabulous  Everything were smooth and nicely made.

The gameplay, umm, i would say that i have pointed out that i don't like this gameplay so much so i wont tel anything more than that..

Graphics 9/10
Gameplay 2/10
Sound 6/10
Would you recommend this game to a friend: No.


Plazma Burst 2 - Game Review

Plazma Burst 2 - Even has it's own website! 

Plazma Burst 2 : Campaign

The first thing i like with the game is that you can change your user by changing head color, Body color, Arms color, Legs Color and equipments. In the equipment section you have like a ton of guns which you can either choose to buy one or upgrade the one you already have. There are also two diffrent sections inside the "equipments". Lite and heavy. Heavy is bigger and more defensed while Lite is more fast and hard to catch or hit. When your done designing your character you can start clicking custom map or Next level. When clicking custom map you will need to paste a Map ID, which you can get sent by friends, or they who made it.. But if you just wanna play maps made by the creators, click next level. Now its just to play and you will get the instructions along playing.
My thoughts of the campaign mode:
Gameplay: 5/6 (A strong five but had to cut down because of lag.)
Graphics: 4/6 (Just fine.. Could be better
Sounds: 5/6 (I really like the sounds in this game!)


Multiplayer is closed for the moment. (Will review it when it comes back up)


I really like plazma burst 2's brilliant idea of a website.. Its like facebook. You can share stuff, you can chat, you can post videos, and you can add friends. Isn't that all you can dream of when it comes to websites? It also has a great design and are easy to understand. What i mean by that is that its easy to just add friends. its not like a big mess where you cant find out what to do.
My thoughts about the website:
Idea: 6/6
Design: 6/6

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Happy Builder - Game Review

Hey guys! This is me, Bjornar with a new review about the amazing game; Happy Builder! I found this game via a friend, and i wasn't sure if i was going to like it. There is alot of guys/girls who think exactly the same as me.. But, i higly reccomend it.

The game is all about building different kind of stuff and big houses. You will be delivered pieces of the house and there is a transparent image of what you should make. It's just like a puzzle, you get pieces, and match them together! Now, the important thing is time.. BE QUICK! Very quick.. The time matter, and the score of course.

There are also alot of different levels which you can choose from in this game. But you need to do them in order. It happen that you can choose between two levels.

Okay, let's talk a little about the graphics.. The graphics were seriously just amazing.. I can't really describe it that good, but it was very smooth and good color chosen to that theme.

If you wanna check out all this by yourself! CLICK HERE

Personally i would rate this game 8/10 total.