
Friday 21 December 2012

Santa Claus - Article

Santa Claus

Santa claus, also known as Saint nicholas, father christmas or simply "Santa", is a historic character who is said to bring gifts to houses where good kids live. He is said to come at midnight (24 december "Christmas Eve") when everyone is sleeping. The modern santa claus is made from the dutch word "sinterklass". Sinterklass comes from dutch, christian mythelogi.

Santa Claus is often drawned as a fat man, clothed with red, and have a white beard. 

Since 1820 they have believed that Santa lives on the north pole, with lots of green elfs, and nine magical reindeers. 

Since 1934, when the song "Santa Claus Is Coming To Town" was made they have believed that he makes a list where he categorizes the childrens by theyr behavior ("Naughty" or "Nice"), and to deliver presents like candy and toys to the good ones, and coal to the naughty ones. He is supposed to give all the "Nice" kids in the world presents, before the morning after. The reason he is so fast is because of his magical elves (Who makes the presents) And his reindeers. 

Santa claus is often seen, climbing through small chimneys. This is a tradition, often used by Europe. 

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